Our History and Plan for Growth
House of Glory (RCCG) is an offshoot of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Household of Faith, Lansing IL. In fact we were the ‘first born’ of this mother church. Other ‘children’ of the church are House of His Presence located in the south-side of Chicago, House of Praise located in Matteson, IL. And Household of God in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The church (House of Glory) was inaugurated on January 10, 2010. House of Glory is thus a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, NA with over 800 parishes in North America and headquarters in Dallas, Texas. We currently located on 1045, Dixie Hyw. Chicago Heights, IL.
We started Sunday fellowship with about four families (parents and children – a total of 15 members) on January 10, 2010 at a front shop in Harvey located on 213 East 159th Street Harvey IL and we quickly grew to about 42 adult members in the first 12 months. This forced us to look for an alternative place of worship. This was why we moved to a rental resource for 4years before we got to our permanent location in 2016. Due to this movement, we have since seen further growth in our membership. At the moment, we hold our services – both Sunday and midweek services in our permanent structure situated on 1045 Dixie Hyw. Chicago Heights, IL 60411 with about 100 registered members on Sundays and a little lower than this during the midweek services.
Within our first 2 year of existence, however, we were able to establish a fellowship of the church at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, meeting every Wednesday between 7.00pm and 8.00pm in as much as the School is in session. This meeting does not take place during summer and whenever the school is on vacation. This is because the program is built to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the students.
We believed that a permanent place, especially one that is owned by us will afford us a great opportunity to once again engage in community based activities such as shelter for the homeless, a group home, food pantry, summer feeding, provision of kindergarten education for children in the community, engagement in community education and GED for our youths and others who did not make it through the High School System for one reason or the other and other evangelistic programs. We also planned to set up physical exercise rooms for members of the church and the community at large in order to encourage healthy living in the community.
The church is being directed by a board of trustees, made up of five members and a parish council consisting of the 6 ordained and 3 un-ordained ministers headed by the Pastor.